
Rabbi Nadya Gross and Rabbi Victor Gross, photo by Connie ReiderWe are Rabbi Nadya Gross and Rabbi Victor Gross and we use our 48+ years of relationship – both romantically and professionally – as a model and foundation in working with couples, parents, and communities, as well as individual seekers. We offer direction, mentorship, and partnership, as well as seminars, classes, and residencies that provide tools for spiritual growth and transformation.

You’re looking for some help infusing your life with a greater sense of spiritual connection and wisdom. Maybe you’re Jewish, and looking for a different way to do Judaism. One that affirms and inspires you as you are, without judgement. Or you’ve recently had a spiritual awakening ….. read more…. 


Interfaith pilgrimage to Israel
March 22 – April 2, 2022
For full itinerary and registration, see:

Watch this video from our Spring 2016 trip.

Learn about these trips and about our upcoming pilgrimage.